Friday, April 29, 2011

Cruising Spots In West Hollywood

On the resolution of the Security Council ... In Laayoune busy

Security Council debate


Baso Sangqu: Resolution 1979 reaffirms the determination of the Saharawi people, original and continuing objective of MINURSO.
United Nations, 04/28/2011 (SPS) .- The South African ambassador to the UN, Baso Sangqu, said Wednesday that the 1979 resolution reaffirms the determination of the Saharawi people, original and continuing objective of MINURSO since its inception in 1991.

Speaking to the press, Baso Sangqu, lamented the non-insertion of the supervisory mechanism of human rights within the mandate of MINURSO, but felt that the text adopted by the Council reflects a step forward in the treatment Western Sahara conflict.

"The new resolution is a step in the right direction" compared with previous resolutions, he said.

meanwhile organizing human rights Human Rights Watch (HRW) welcomed that "the words human rights are no longer a taboo for the French delegation" when talking about the Sahara and reiterated the need for establishing that monitoring mechanism for human rights.

And Oxfam lamented that MINURSO remains "the exception" peace missions of the UN, have no such mechanism and said France's opposition to it "runs counter to its proclaimed claims support legitimate democratic Arab country. "(SPS) Polisario Front

:''It's a step, but lack a mechanism HERE
Sahara: strangely silent in the English press unanimous
. The Security Council adopted resolution 1979 on Western Sahara. It is a major decision affecting the most important issue of English foreign policy. And yet, surprise? no national English newspaper picks the news. Nor have I seen the news in any regional newspaper. Why?
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