Monday, November 22, 2010

Bejewled 2 Bluescreen

SE reproduce and survive

by Andres Aldana)
Deputy several articles to alert and report the inexorable march of Nazi-fascist government of Israel, led by his prime minister and Russian mafia influence of Avigdor Lieberman and the support of nearly two million Russian immigrants arrived in the past quarter century, to turn Israel into a secular Nazi-fascist-theocratic state.

Recent laws passed by the Israeli parliament are becoming the country into a totalitarian state, covered in a harmless looking fracesita:
Israel is a Jewish and democratic state.

"negotiations two states for two peoples" are in line
destabilizing of all Israeli governments and colonization of Palestinian territories
the West Bank in violation of international law
decisions UN and ignoring the resolutions and agreements that were arriving in European countries, Russia and USA
What do you think the Israeli people, how it works, understand the risk that this country becomes a 3rd copy. Reich in the middle East?

left two Israeli journalists, Uri Avnery, Gideon Levy and give us their opinions and points of view, the fully share ...

The Jewish Republic of Israel

The Israeli government approved a project aimed at the Jews in Israel do not swear allegiance to the "Jewish and democratic state" to keep their citizenship. In this article, the author believes that Israel may now become a theocracy.
By Gideon Levy

Remember this day. It is the day that Israel change its character. As a result, you can also change its name to Jewish Republic of Israel,
like the Islamic Republic of Iran
. Of course, the bill oath of allegiance to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is pushing not only takes care of the new citizens who are not Jews, but affects the fate of us all.

From now on, we will be living in a new country, ethnocratic, theocratic, nationalistic and racist. Any Israeli who thinks that this will not affect you, think again. There is a silent majority who are accepting this with alarming apathy, as if to say: "No matter what country I live." Also be wrong to think the that the world will still refer to Israel as a democracy after this law is passed. It's another step which seriously harms the image of our country.
Prime Minister Netanyahu has approved what is actually a plan Ysrael Beitenu leader, Avigdor Lieberman, and Justice Minister Yaakov Neeman, may prove to be a "loyal member" of that party . The Labour Party, meanwhile, will show that there is more than a doormat. And Israel will prove that nothing matters. Today is the day of the draft oath of loyalty, soon to be the law of pledge of allegiance. Today is the day the dam will overflow, threatening to drown out the remnants of democracy to perhaps be a Jewish state whose characteristics no one understands, but certainly not a democracy. Those who demand the oath of allegiance are misusing loyalty to the state.
At its next session, Parliament must discuss 20 other bills profoundly undemocratic. The weekend
Association for Civil Rights in Israel published a blacklist of such legislation: a law of loyalty for members of parliament, an act of loyalty to film production, an act of loyalty nonprofit, a law ending the Palestinian catastrophe (Nakba ), the prohibition of any call to boycott Israel and a draft law to revoke citizenship. McCarthy is a dangerous dance that dance ignorant these lawmakers have not yet begun to understand what democracy is all about. It is dangerous, even if only part of the projects to become law, because our destiny and our essence will change.

is not difficult to understand the Netanyahu-Lieberman duo. As jurors who are nationalists, one does not expect cpmprendan that democracy not only means the right of the majority, but above all, that minorities have their own. What is much more difficult to understand is the complacency of the masses. Although several seats have been filled today with people who do not want to live in a country where the minority is oppressed by draconian laws such as requiring them to swear allegiance to a false Jewish state, surprisingly, almost no one seems to feel concerned. For decades, we have argued in vain for the question of who is Jewish. Now that question will not go away. What is this "state of the Jewish nation? Does this mean that belongs more to the Jews of the Diaspora
as citizens árabes? ¿Podrán ellos decidir su destino y seguiremos llamándole a eso democracia? ¿Los ultraortodoxos de la secta Naturei Karta, que se oponen a la existencia del Estado, junto con cientos de miles de judios que comparten su punto de vista, ¿podrán venir a hacer lo que quieran con él? ¿Qué es el judaísmo? ¿Las fiestas judías? ¿La dieta kosher? ¿Se incrementarán las instituciones religiosas, como si no fueran ya suficientes, para distorsionar la democracia? Jurar lealtad a un Estado judío decidirá nuestro destino. Somos responsables de convertir al país en una teocracia como Arabia Saudita.
Es cierto que by the time it is an empty slogan and ridiculous. There are three Jews who can agree on what is a Jewish state, but history has taught us that the empty slogans may also pave the way to hell. Meanwhile, the new proposed legislation will only increase the alienation of Israeli Arab citizens and later alienate large segments of public opinion.
This is what happens when the fire is still burning under the carpet, the fire of the lack of hope that justice is our way. Only such a lack of confidence can lead to distorted legislation as adopted today, soon to be enacted. Canada does not need to ask their citizens to swear allegiance to the state of Canada, nor in many other countries. Only in Israel. And it is doing so much to cause even more to the Arab minority and push for greater lack of loyalty to the day when we finally get rid of them or is designed to frustrate the possibility of a peace agreement with the Palestinians. In one way or another, and in Basel, at the First Zionist Congress in 1897, Theodor Herzl said the Jewish state was founded, we can say that based just a Jewish Republic of Israel obscurantist.
The author is a columnist
(Tel Aviv, Israel). The English translation belongs to Sam for More
Weimar in Jerusalem For the author, Israeli society must wake from his coma and fight with all means available to stop the "wave of fascism that is threatening to sink ". By Uri Avnery in Berlin just opened an exhibition entitled "Hitler and the Germans." Examines the circumstances that caused the German people take the power to Adolf Hitler and continue until the end. I'm too busy with the problems of Israeli democracy to fly to Berlin. It's a shame. Precisely this issue has been troubling me since childhood What happened that a civilized nation, distinguished as the "people of poets and thinkers" continue to this man and the children followed the Pied Piper of Hamelin, until perdition? This worries me, not only as a historical phenomenon but as a warning for the future. If this happened to the Germans, can happen to any people? Can it happen here? When I was a child 9 years I was an eyewitness to the collapse of German democracy and the rise of the Nazis to power. The images are engraved in my memory - the campaign that followed one after another, the uniforms on the street, the discussions around the table, the teacher who first received us with a "Heil Hitler" -. I relived these memories in a book I wrote in Hebrew during the Eichmann trial, which ends with a chapter entitled: "Can this happen here?". I am returning to them these days, as I write my memoirs.

I do not know if the exhibition in Berlin attempts to answer these questions. Maybe not. Even now, 77 years later, there is no definitive answer to the question: Why the German Republic collapsed? This is a very important issue, because now the people of Israel are asking, with growing concern: is collapsing republic of Israel?
For the first time, this issue is being considered seriously. Over the years, we were careful not to mention the word fascism in public discourse. Raises memories that are too monstrous. Now this taboo has been broken. Yitzhak Herzog, Minister of Social Welfare in the government of Netanyahu, a member Labour Party, the grandson of a rabbi and son of a president, said a few days ago that "fascism is affecting the margins of our society." He was wrong: Fascism is not only affecting the marginalized, is affecting the government that it is integrating and
the Knesset, which is a member.
not a day goes by, almost always, but a group of Knesset members

submit a new bill racist. The country remains divided by the amendment to the citizenship law, requiring applicants to swear allegiance to "Israel as a Jewish and democratic." Now ministers are discussing whether this will be required only to non-Jews (that sounds nice) or the Jews too, as if this will change a little racist.
This week, it introduced a new bill. It would prohibit non-citizens to act as tour guides in east Jerusalem. Non-citizens in this case mean Arabs. Because, when Jerusalem was annexed by force to Israel after the war 1967, its Arab inhabitants were not granted citizenship. Were granted only the status of "permanent residents" as if they were just arrivals and not descendants of families who have lived in the city for centuries. The bill seeks to deprive the Arabs of Jerusalem the right to serve as tour guides in their holy sites in his city, as they are likely to deviate from the official propaganda line. "Shocking? "Incredible? Not in the eyes of the proponents, who include members of the Kadima party. A member of the Knesset
Meretz Party also signed, but later recanted, saying he was confused.
This proposal comes after dozens of bills of this kind have been introduced recently, and before dozens of others that are already underway. Members of the Knesset
act like sharks in a frenzy of eating. There is a wild competition among them to see who can concoct the most racist bill.
worth. After each such bill, the proponents are invited to the TV studios to "explain" its target. His photographs appear in newspapers. For dark deputies, whose names have never heard, that's an irresistible temptation. The media are working.
is not an exclusively Israeli. Across Europe and America, overt fascists are raising their heads. Providers of hatred, which so far have been spreading their poison to the fringe of the political system, are now coming to the center. In almost all countries there are demagogues who built his career on incitement against the weak and defenseless, which call for the expulsion of "foreigners" and persecution of minorities. In the past it was easy to ban, as was Hitler early in his career. Must now be taken seriously.
few years ago, the world was shocked when allowed the party of Jörg Haider into the Austrian coalition government. Haider praised the achievements of Hitler. Furiously, the Israeli government withdrew its ambassador from Vienna. Currently, the new Dutch government depends on the support of a declared racist and fascist parties achieve impressive electoral gains in many countries. The movement "Tea Party", which is flourishing in the U.S., has some aspects clearly fascist. One of the candidates you like walking from one side to another, wearing the uniform of the murderous Waffen SS-Nazi.
So we're in good company. There are worse than others. If they can do it, why not us?
But there is one big difference: Israel is not in the same situation as Holland or Sweden. Unlike these countries, Israel's very existence is threatened by fascism. Which can lead to the destruction of our state.
years ago believed that two miracles had occurred in Israel: the revival of the Hebrew language and Israeli democracy.
The resurrection of a language "dead" has never been successful elsewhere. Theodor Herzl, the founder Zionism, once asked scornfully: "Do people ask you a train ticket in Hebrew?" (He wanted us to speak German.) Today, the Hebrew language works better than the Israeli railroad rates.
But Israeli democracy is a miracle even more. It did not grow from below, as in Europe. The Jewish people never had democracy. The Jewish religion, like most religions, is totalitarian. Immigrants that flowed into the country had never experienced before living in a democracy. Russia came from Czarist or Bolshevik
of Poland
Josef Pilsudski's authoritarian, tyrannical of Morocco and Iraq. Only a tiny proportion coming from democratic countries. And yet, since its inception, the Zionist movement prompted an exemplary democracy in its ranks, and the State of Israel continued this tradition (with one limitation: full democracy for Jews, a limited democracy for the Arab citizens.)
I was always worried that this democracy was hanging by a thin thread, which we should be on guard every hour, every minute. He now faces an unprecedented test.
The German republic was the name of Weimar, the city where the Constituent Assembly adopted its constitution after World War. The Weimar of Goethe and Bach was one of the cradles of German culture.
was a brilliantly democratic constitution. Under their wings, Germany witnessed a flourishing intellectual and artistic record. So why the republic collapsed?
In general, two causes are recognized: the humiliation and unemployment. When the Republic was still in early stages, was forced to sign the Versailles Peace Treaty with the winners
World War, a treaty was nothing but an act of humiliating surrender. When the Republican
behind in the payment of enormous reparations imposed on him, the French army invaded the industrial heartland of Germany in 1923, precipitating a runaway inflation, a trauma from which Germany has not recovered until today.
When the global economic crisis erupted in 1929, the German economy collapsed. Millions of desperate unemployed sank into abject poverty And they cried out for salvation. Hitler promised to eliminate both the humiliation of defeat as unemployment, and fulfilled both promises, gave jobs to the unemployed in the new arms industry and public works, as were the new motorways, in the preparations for war. And a third reason for the collapse of the republic: the growing apathy of the democratic public opinion. The republic's political system just became obnoxious. While the people are sinking into poverty, the politicians were playing their games. The public was willing to impose a strong leader order. The Nazis overthrew the Republic. The
republic imploded, the Nazis only filled the void.
In Israel there is no economic crisis. By contrast, the economy is booming. Israel has not signed any humiliating, as the Treaty of Versailles. By contrast, won all its wars. True, our fascists talk about the "Oslo criminals", in the same way as Hitler railed against the "November criminals", but the Oslo agreement was the opposite of the Versailles Treaty, signed in November 1919.
Thus, what is generated following the deep crisis in Israeli society? What is causing millions of citizens with complete apathy consider the activities of its leaders, content to shake his head in front of the TV? What motivates them to ignore what is happening in the occupied territories, a half hour drive from home? Why are there so many who declare that they heard the news or do not read more newspapers? What is the cause of depression and hopelessness, which leaves open the road to fascism?
The state has reached a crossroad: peace or war everlasting. Peace means the establishment of a Palestinian state and the evacuation of settlements. But the genetic code of the Zionist movement is pushing the annexation of the entire historic country to the Jordan River, and, directly or indirectly transferring the Arab population. Most people are avoiding a decision, saying that as "we have no partner for peace." We are condemned to eternal war.
Democracy is under increasing paralysis, because different sectors of the population live in different worlds. The secular, national-religious and Orthodox receive an education entirely. The common interests between them are reduced. Other cracks are occurring between the old Ashkenazi community, the Oriental Jews, immigrants from the former Soviet Union and Ethiopia, and Arab citizens, whose separation from the rest is increasing all the time.
For the second time in my life, I can get to having to witness the fall of a republic. But that is not predestined. Israel is not
Germany goose step in those days, 2010 is not 1933. Israeli society, however, can finally sober and mobilize forces democratic within itself
But for that to happen, must wake from his coma, to understand what is happening and where it is leading this protest and fight with all means available (while it is still possible) , organizing to stop the wave of fascism that is threatening to sink.
Uri Avnery is a journalist, former legislator and Israeli peace. His article was published by
Gush Shalom
. The English translation is in DS Convergence.