Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ham Power Supply No Fan


I felt ribs crack, but I continue. For a while I noticed el sabor metálico que producen los golpes en la cara, pero todavía no he visto sangre. Por ahora me centro, encajo los golpes, e intento encontrar un hueco. Acepto el dolor. Paladeo el dolor. Lo disfruto como una lengua áspera que me lame el cuerpo. El sufrimiento no enseña nada; sufrir es siempre innecesario. El dolor, sin embargo, es un gran maestro que sólo es radical y docente cuando se lo acepta. Cuando uno lo niega y rechaza, comienza el sufrimiento. Otro golpe. Esta vez sí, noto una gota derramarse hasta mi boca. El simple notar del corrillo de la sangre, no los golpes, me hace derrumbarme. Justo entonces, el combate se acaba.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Resizing A Leather Jacket

Song in four deaths,

Andrei ate ground glass in a warm, spicy soup. It was always a bastard, kicking for the dog, kicking for children, also kicked for the wife and neighbors. She just wanted to finish, then did what everyone had thought. Phil

harvested beyond their property for one day. He did not light the candle on the table, he sailed a poker face. He had spent half his life cheating. Neither the closest it had been discussed as expected.

Bernard found a new lover. His wife, however, remained the same as always. If the first was known for her warm thighs, the second it was his hand in the massacre. Ended in a bowl exploded. A song remembers everything: Pig Bernard and wife. In his people still sing.

Jacob went straight on the last bend in the road. His skull ended up in the back seat. Long after I threw one at fault. The brake fluid reservoir appeared perforated. Finally it was agreed that both.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Monster Energy Coloring

The Stranglers, Death

Constant pressure and well located is sufficient to end the life of a type. No kid in the neighborhood you live with that in mind, but a slight start on the road chokes it makes clear. At thirteen or fourteen either of them has the strength to use a brake cable and eighteen, and some people choose to use their own thumbs, others perhaps later, and to overcome the tedium of the technique.
In business today traded the lead, without discussion. Fire under the neon lights, fire the more heat. Instead of us in the office, we manufactured, making links, fixing knots and respecting the silence of the dead to give us. There is no other way: we accompany him to his final agonizing strokes. We follow, accompanied by and leave the rest lying on the asphalt streets only then we through.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hacks For Pokemon In Soul Silver


Of all that she could not wait I was so peor.Eso not know until the end. Meanwhile, it took a year of good night darling at the stroke of midnight brought erections barely on specific days, heat home made of the same phrases in every house, and always an eye to several decades distance travel, new kitchens, a nice dress for the holy family visit for Easter.
did not know that already killed her, he looked at her with trips and kitchens, clothing and visits and was killing her, my eyes on those afternoons embarrassed earthy seemed dead, but his death was what got fed up. I killed her to avoid looking like that again. No, that was later, much later, in the end, then. Kill her kill her because he was from the beginning there, living with us. The kill count to know then why kill and knowing that death was the reason for all this farce.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Longevity Of Viral Meningitis

A work in Little Italy,

The night was wild, black, throbbing, tense. A couple of hundred in advance were used to not thinking. Billy was at the wheel. We the type of Hester Street to Chinatown. When we reached the intersection with Mulberry Billy stood beside him and I slipped out of the car with the gun cutting nervous night. Before he could speak and was lying with his chest full of lead. Killing was easy in Little Italy. As we walked away I could see the thieves and whores, beggars and the manic, all those criminals out of their burrows stunted to rob the deli. We had time to get out away from there. Nobody called the cops until the poor fellow's clean.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Why Do Guys Spread Their Legs While Peeing

ephemeral spaces,

up a few days ago al metro en Colón una mujer portando una paloma acurrucada entre los brazos. El animal tenía un aspecto enfermizo.
Colón no es uno de esos lugares en los que alguien vaya a pararse a recoger a un animal enfermo.
Aquella mujer no parecía el tipo de mujer que se detendría a auxiliar a un bicho de la calle.

La compasión que se revela en este gesto me resulta, o, en concreto aquí me resulta, del todo indiferente. No tanto así, en cambio, el hecho de que el gesto supusiese una breve interrupción de ese continuo fluctuante que es la calle Colón, la parada de metro, el vagón. Interrupción sin estrategia, salto improvisado. Pienso entonces en lo dicho en El tedio en las calles , I think the picture of William Klein, Robert Frank, Saul Leiter, I think that expression of Manuel Delgado, "the city unless its architecture, all that does not stop it solidifies, and see that we space to open our meetings, it can work like hell to the plan, fire running through the streets in unpredictable directions.
There was no way to read the plan and then, you could not expect, that that pigeon sick that day would be part of the passage. No occupant of meters could foresee that someone would introduce such distortion in your life and you know it, probably would have avoided.

Somewhere Morelli says the other in the street gives us not a cinematic reality but rather as a photography. I think it is a perception of space where the substance of which lives overlap between the two forms, as is always the possibility that re-founded, without warning, take a snapshot to go about doing that which served as the backdrop of an urban complete panoramic providing the pieces for a collective biography. Biography tenuous, incomplete, difficult to follow the insidious tendency fragments appear when you least expect them, for their ability to be diluted in a moment. Some photographs of Klein-the best, I think, seem to stop at that instant when a pillar of salt, exorcised by the camera will jump into the arena as an agent of the ephemeral.

"The city unless its architecture," said Manuel Delgado, the real urban space, without hypostasis. "There is no choice but to agree to submit to the eyes and the initiatives of others. There is always interacts superficial, but any time you can meet unprecedented developments." If you need to be some tedium in urban life is the need to continue to forget that there nameless and, I fear, our ability to forget almost no limits. One begets oblivion appropriate gestures in appropriate locations, twisted logic that makes the streets just so we do not own which erases any attempt to return the ownership entirely to plan.

few days ago up to the subway in Columbus a dove carrying a sick woman huddled in the arms, but, alas, a dove sick leave too easily lead to oblivion. Tomorrow someone will come down to the subway with an alligator perfectly healthy as a gesture that reflects the invitation of another gesture, unprecedented development, the unexpected happened. Shock, leg bites and screams in a heaven underground. Still, some will undoubtedly have the scene under the noses go home like every day, died of boredom, dead.