(1) "We are bored in the city." Five words to describe a circle underground, the first five words of the text signed by Gilles Situationist Ivain titled "Formulary for a New Urbanism" . But there is still a larger ring in this urban hell: boredom, a way of killing the time of life that ties the boredom and fun, work and leisure, as paths forms an enclosure in which the hours just burnt. We blaze of boredom in the city.
Something makes me think that this death early related to some form of transfer an image disposed to represent our way of life on the streets. No escape from the grid, we think, do not escape the labyrinth, the repetition of the streets and then live as if our city was the developer of the planned city. We imagine occupying the cell, leaving the cell in a given movement in terms of a shift that is required to reoccupy the cell, the next cell. Caged animals on an idea, because even the existence of a planned urban reality is sufficient to guarantee a life locked in a grid.
(2) Marco Polo describes Emerald the Great Khan. Speaks a "water city" in which "a grid of canals and streets are a grid of overlap and intersect." He also speaks of a city where residents "do not know the tedium of traveling the same streets every day, because the combination always possible to water routes and land routes ensures a potentially infinite number of paths. But that's not all. Marco Polo noted that a hypothetical Emerald cartographic work should consider the fact that there "cats, thieves, lovers streets clandestine move higher and discontinuous, jumping from one rooftop to another, dropping from a high roundabout up to a balcony, along gutters with tightrope walkers step. "And so as" a map of Emerald should include, indicating inks of different colors, all these paths, solids and liquids, patents and hidden "(Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities ).
(3) Ask someone to draw a city. Very likely will appear before you represented something akin to the typical view of New York skyline. An outline, front view, space fabric hugging the air and an unfathomable mystery about possible paths of their inhabitants. Order now to draw your city. soon begin to receive the maze, spider web, no horizon line drawn through the eye of God, under which one can not live. There is no room here for the patent, there is no space for the occult. There is not a step to take.
Agents of ennui in our ways of living by a space conceived as the figures of the urban and invisible cities, are innumerable. Maybe one day unlikely, the fire that consumed the hours garment in the right place, and crashes all the streets. There are cobblestone streets, one could imagine, but an outline. That day we can say that that "fire in the brain of the people, not on the roof of the houses, and set off to walk to meet all the impossible.